Our API allows the integration between our Billing Software and different systems. The API documentation is divided between 4 areas. Our responses are always made in JSON format..
All requests are done in the following formats:GET POST PATCH DELETE this information is present on each request.
The base API URL for the requests is:
https://app.bill.pt Production
https://dev.bill.pt Test Server
Current Version is: 1.0
Errors are returned in the following JSON format:
An object with an array of errors. There may be multiple errors in the response. To interpret the errors you can analyze the following table
3 Kinds of Errrors:
Therefore, the first numeric value always indicates the error code. The field name can exist and is always separated from the error code by the character "." This field name may not be displayed in snake_case. So "imposto_id" can appear as "1.imposto id". Finally, also separated by the character "." a value can appear. Analyzing the error code it's also important. Codes 0 through 99 come with code.field_name. Codes 100 through 199 come with code.field_name.value. Code greater than 200 comes with no extra values..
Errors TableCode | Error Description |
Código: 0 .. 99 | |
1.field_name | The field is mandatory. |
2.field_name | The field must be an e-mail. |
3.field_name | The field must be unique. (already exists in the database). |
4.field_name | The field need confirmation. (field_name_confirmed) |
5.field_name | The field must be a boolean. |
6.field_name | The field cannot have special symbols. |
7.field_name | The field must an integer. |
8.field_name | The field must be alpha numeric. |
9.field_name | The value of the field is invalid. |
10.field_name | The field must be numeric. |
Code: 100 .. 199 | |
100.field_name.value | The field should have minimum :value characters. |
101.field_name.value | The field should not have more the then :value characters. |
102.field_name.value | There is already a document in this serie with a date that is more recent :value |
Code: 200+ | |
200 | Incorrect login. |
201 | Was not possible to create the token. |
202 | No token provided. |
203 | Session Expired. |
204 | Is already Active. |
205 | Invalid User |
206 | VAT (NIF) invalid. |
207 | This user don't belongs to this account. |
208 | Invalid Token. |
209 | Wrong value. |
210 | This user don't exists. |
211 | This user was already used. |
212 | The user ID is mandatory. |
213 | You can't edit users.. |
214 | Postal code is in the wrong format. Correct One XXXX-XXX or XXXX. |
215 | Invalid File. |
216 | One of the users don't belongs to this account. |
217 | One of the clients don't belong to this account. |
218 | One of the products don't belong to this account. |
219 | This category don't exists. |
220 | The type don't exists. |
221 | The unit of measure don't exists. |
222 | The object you are trying to delete was already used. |
223 | Payment method don't exists. |
224 | Shipping method don't exists. |
225 | The client don't exists. |
226 | There is already a serie with this name. |
227 | This serie don't exists. |
228 | The car don't exists. |
229 | The Tax don't exists. |
230 | The product don't exists. |
231 | The code is not unique. |
232 | Is not possible to detect the code. The file is invalid. |
233 | Is not possible to detect the code or NIF. The file is invalid. |
234 | The file is incorrect. Column productCode not found. |
235 | You just can delete draft documents. |
236 | The document already have a payment. It can't be canceled. Cancel the payment first. |
237 | The document is not from the current month so it can't be canceled. |
238 | You cannot cancel a document that was created more the 5 days ago. |
239 | Date of unloading is invalid. |
240 | Loading date should be after the document date. |
241 | Due date cannot be previous to the document date. |
242 | There is a document in the same serie with a date bigger that the one you provide. :valor |
243 | The document total can't be less then zero. |
244 | You can't create an invoice with this amount to an anonymous customer. |
245 | The user don't have permissions. |
246 | If the document is converted to a corrective document, this document can no longer be canceled. If you wish to make changes to this document, you can issue a debit or credit note associated with this document. |
247 | The warehouse is incorrect. |
248 | Invalid Token. |
249 | Comunication Invalid. |
250 | You must define your Tax Authority details. |
251 | The document was already converted by another one. Cancel this other document first. |
252 | This VAT Number is already in use. We just allow one account per company. If you believe this is a mistake please contact suporte@bill.pt. |
253 | This vat number already exists in other client. |
254 | Your plan reach the limit of documents. Please check your plan limits. |
255 | You reach your plan limit. Please check your plan limit. |
256 | You reach your plan limit. Please check your plan limit. |
257 | Your Plan don't allow to manage stock. |
258 | Your plan don't allow to do this action. |
259 | You can't use this account. |
260 | You can't manage orders. |
261 | You can't manage sales. |
262 | You can't manage receipts. |
263 | The state is incorrect. |
264 | Code is Invalid. |
265 | You can't work at this time. |
266 | Credit or Debit Note are documents to rectify invoices. All lines in this document must refer to the original document. One or more lines in this document do don't have reference to the original document. |
267 | You can't work now. |
268 | License Already finished. |
269 | License was already Used. |
270 | Did not send motivo_isencao (exemption) so you should send imposto or imposto_id (tax). |
271 | Is not possible to sell a product with price Zero. You must put 100% discount if you want to an offer . |
272 | The document is not finalized yet. |
273 | The image must be jpg or jpeg and max size 1200x800. |
274 | Exemption reason is invalid. |
275 | You can't use VAT examption in this kind of document. Use regular invoice. |
276 | Was not possible to communicate the document. |
277 | Login Failed. Please try your login information in: https://www.acesso.gov.pt/v2/login |
288 | You can't filter by a shop that don't belongs to this user.. |
289 | The document is already canceled. |
291 | This item does not belong to your account and therefore cannot be deleted. |
292 | An invoice must be issued within the legal timeframe, either in the same month or by the 15th of the following month (for exports). |
300 | This series cannot be used for creating documents. |
301 | Your composite product does not have any items in its composition. |
302 | The limit for a simplified invoice is 100 euros plus VAT for non-retailers/vendors. |
303 | A simplified invoice cannot exceed 1000 euros. |
304 | A simplified invoice cannot include services if over 100 euros. Use Invoice or Invoice Receipt. |
305 | A simplified invoice cannot exceed 100 euros for VAT taxpayers. Use Invoice or Invoice Receipt. |
306 | Invalid symbols in the Series name. |
307 | The series does not belong to this account. |
308 | The user does not have permissions. |
309 | The serie you are trying to use was not reported to tax authority. Please report first. Information |
In Bill we treat each user independently. Then an account may have 2 users and one of them may not have access to the API.
To generate an api key you can access Bill's account and in the User Management give the user API permission and generate a key for the user.
Now the user will have access to his key when accessing his account settings. You can also access the user's key using the following request.
POST api/1.0/auth/login
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String E-Mail | example@example.com | |
String | 1wh72jja8k2jah |
{ "id": 1, "nome": "John Doe", "email": "johndoe@example.com", "api_token": "4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2kkXt39dw31vcVARlBCtajowlFNoxtdSso504hL4H6OwlxAQQbOC4lWqJutZNO3AniKwl3Yba6Zn2jC4t6QbeKIcUnESC0GpOxpuy2dM" }
You can send your token in the Header. Authorization: Bearer YOUR TOKEN, So you don't need to expose the token in GET requests.
Developers who do not have access to an official account should ask support to create a special account so that they can access the API for testing..
The limits of our api are: 100 requests per minute. To control the limits, 2 headers are provided, returned in each order.
In order to make a responsible use of the API it is advisable to keep some data on your side to reduce the number of requests. It is also advised if necessary to synchronize items or contacts in a phased manner.
In bill there are types of contacts (customers / suppliers). They work as categories to organize your contacts. So you can for example create type "Supplier", "Customer", "Customer Type 2" etc
GET api/1.0/tipos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 2, "empresa_id": 1, "nome": "Categoria", "visivel": 1, "created_at": "2016-04-29 18:18:27", "updated_at": "2016-04-29 18:18:27" }]
POST api/1.0/tipos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (30) | Categoria 1 |
{ "nome": "Categoria", "updated_at": "2016-04-29 18:22:26", "created_at": "2016-04-29 18:22:26", "id": 3, "empresa_id": 1 }
PATCH api/1.0/tipos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
nome | String (30) | Categoria 1 |
visivel | Boolean | 0 |
{ "id": 3, "empresa_id": 1, "nome": "Nova", "visivel": 1, "created_at": "2016-04-29 18:22:26", "updated_at": "2016-04-29 18:27:00" }
Bill allows you to associate states to documents. This is especially useful if you want to mark an estimate as pending, accepted, delivered etc... you can create as many states as you like and apply to any document.
GET api/1.0/estados
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[ { "id": 2, "empresa_id": 1, "nome": "Por usar", "usado": 0, "principal": 0, "visivel": 1, "created_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59", "updated_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59" } ]
POST api/1.0/estados
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (30) (name) | Em espera | |
principal | Boolean (if is the default state) | 0 |
{ "id": 2, "empresa_id": 1, "nome": "Em espera", "usado": 0, "principal": 0, "visivel": 1, "created_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59", "updated_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59" }
PATCH api/1.0/estados/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (30) | Em espera | |
principal | Boolean (if is the main one) | 0 |
visivel | Boolean (if is visible) | 0 |
{ "id": 2, "empresa_id": 1, "nome": "Em espera", "usado": 0, "principal": 0, "visivel": 1, "created_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59", "updated_at": "2017-02-01 14:20:59" }
DELETE api/1.0/estados/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
POST api/1.0/estados
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Document ID | 133 | |
State ID | 234 |
The following requests are valid:
In Bill there are several types of documents, you can get information about the types of documents available and the respective IDs in the following request:
GET api/1.0/tipos-documento
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[ { "id":1, "tipificacao":"FT", "nome":"Fatura", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":2, "tipificacao":"FS", "nome":"Fatura Simplificada", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":3, "tipificacao":"FR", "nome":"Fatura Recibo", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":4, "tipificacao":"ND", "nome":"Nota de D\u00e9bito", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":5, "tipificacao":"NC", "nome":"Nota de Cr\u00e9dito", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":6, "tipificacao":"GT", "nome":"Guia De Transporte", "categoria":"guias" }, { "id":7, "tipificacao":"GR", "nome":"Guia De Remessa", "categoria":"guias" }, { "id":8, "tipificacao":"GC", "nome":"Guia de Consigna\u00e7\u00e3o", "categoria":"guias" }, { "id":9, "tipificacao":"GA", "nome":"Guia de Movimenta\u00e7\u00e3o de a", "categoria":"guias" }, { "id":10, "tipificacao":"GD", "nome":"Guia \/ Nota de Devolu\u00e7\u00e3o", "categoria":"guias" }, { "id":11, "tipificacao":"NENC", "nome":"Nota de Encomenda", "categoria":"encomendas" }, { "id":12, "tipificacao":"ORC", "nome":"Or\u00e7amento", "categoria":"orcamentos" }, { "id":13, "tipificacao":"FPF", "nome":"Fatura Pro-Forma", "categoria":"orcamentos" }, { "id":14, "tipificacao":"VFT", "nome":"V\/Fatura", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":15, "tipificacao":"VFR", "nome":"V\/Fatura Recibo", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":16, "tipificacao":"VFS", "nome":"V\/Fatura Simplificada", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":17, "tipificacao":"VND", "nome":"V\/Nota de D\u00e9bito", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":18, "tipificacao":"VNC", "nome":"V\/Nota de Cr\u00e9dito", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":19, "tipificacao":"VGR", "nome":"V\/Guia de Remessa", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":20, "tipificacao":"VGT", "nome":"V\/Guia de Transporte", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":21, "tipificacao":"VNENC", "nome":"V\/Nota de Encomenda", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":22, "tipificacao":"VORC", "nome":"V\/Or\u00e7amento", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":23, "tipificacao":"VFPF", "nome":"V\/Fatura Pro-Forma", "categoria":"compras" }, { "id":24, "tipificacao":"ESTK", "nome":"Entrada de Stock", "categoria":"stock" }, { "id":25, "tipificacao":"SSTK", "nome":"Saida de Stock", "categoria":"stock" }, { "id":26, "tipificacao":"SINIV", "nome":"Saldo Cliente", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":27, "tipificacao":"SINIC", "nome":"Saldo Fornecedor", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":28, "tipificacao":"RC", "nome":"Recibo", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":29, "tipificacao":"RFC", "nome":"Recibo Fornecedor", "categoria":"compras" } ]
GET api/1.0/tipos-documento/CATEGORIA
ParametersField | Type | Example |
api_token 1 | String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | categoria 1 | String (10) | You should put the category in the URL. Valid options: faturas, guias, orcamentos, compras |
[ { "id":1, "tipificacao":"FT", "nome":"Fatura", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":2, "tipificacao":"FS", "nome":"Fatura Simplificada", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":3, "tipificacao":"FR", "nome":"Fatura Recibo", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":4, "tipificacao":"ND", "nome":"Nota de D\u00e9bito", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":5, "tipificacao":"NC", "nome":"Nota de Cr\u00e9dito", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":26, "tipificacao":"SINIV", "nome":"Saldo Cliente", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":27, "tipificacao":"SINIC", "nome":"Saldo Fornecedor", "categoria":"faturas" }, { "id":28, "tipificacao":"RC", "nome":"Recibo", "categoria":"faturas" } ]
Information that should be present in the documents. Each payment method has a unique ID associated with it. To find out the payment methods for your account use the following request.
GET api/1.0/metodos-pagamento
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[ { "id":1, "nome":"Transfer\u00eancia ou D\u00e9bito Direct", "simbolo":"TB", "principal":1 }, { "id":2, "nome":"Refer\u00eancia Pagamento Multibanc", "simbolo":"MB", "principal":0 }, { "id":3, "nome":"Cart\u00e3o Cr\u00e9dito", "simbolo":"CC", "principal":0 }, { "id":4, "nome":"Cart\u00e3o D\u00e9bito", "simbolo":"CD", "principal":0 }, { "id":5, "nome":"Cheque", "simbolo":"CH", "principal":0 }, { "id":6, "nome":"Cart\u00e3o Oferta", "simbolo":"CO", "principal":0 }, { "id":7, "nome":"Compensa\u00e7\u00e3o De Saldos de Conta", "simbolo":"CS", "principal":0 }, { "id":8, "nome":"Dinheiro Electronico", "simbolo":"DE", "principal":0 }, { "id":9, "nome":"Letra", "simbolo":"LC", "principal":0 }, { "id":10, "nome":"Numerario", "simbolo":"NU", "principal":0 }, { "id":11, "nome":"Permuta de Bens", "simbolo":"PR", "principal":0 }, { "id":12, "nome":"Ticket Restaurante", "simbolo":"TR", "principal":0 } ]
The following requests are valid:
Information that should be present in the documents. Each shipping method has a unique ID associated with it. To find out the shipping methods for your account use the following request.
GET api/1.0/metodos-expedicao
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "nome": "Viatura Cliente", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }, { "id": 2, "nome": "Nossa Viatura", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 3, "nome": "Transportadora", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 4, "nome": "A combinar", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }]
POST api/1.0/metodos-expedicao
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) (name) | Qualquer coisa | |
principal | Boolean (if is the default one) | 0 |
{ "id": 1238, "nome": "Nome Escolhido", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
PATCH api/1.0/metodos-expedicao/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (Should be in the URL) | 12 | |
nome | String (max:30) (name) | Qualquer coisa |
visivel | Boolean (if is visible) | 0 |
principal | Boolean (if is the default) | 0 |
{ "id": 1238, "nome": "Nome Escolhido", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
DELETE api/1.0/metodos-expedicao/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid Requests:
All products must have an associated unit of measure.
GET api/1.0/unidades-medida
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "nome": "Unidade", "simbolo": "UN", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }, { "id": 2, "nome": "Metro", "simbolo": "MT", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 3, "nome": "Metro Quadrado", "simbolo": "MT2", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 4, "nome": "Metro Cubico", "simbolo": "MT3", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 5, "nome": "Kilograma", "simbolo": "KG", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 6, "nome": "Milheiro", "simbolo": "MIL", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 7, "nome": "Hora", "simbolo": "H", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 8, "nome": "Minutos", "simbolo": "MIN", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 9, "nome": "Dia", "simbolo": "DIA", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 10, "nome": "Metro", "simbolo": "MT", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }]
POST api/1.0/unidades-medida
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) (name) | Milimetro | |
String (max:15) (symbol example: KG) | ML | |
principal | Boolean (if is the default) | 0 |
{ "id": 35, "nome": "Milimetro", "simbolo": "ML", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
PATCH api/1.0/unidades-medida/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome | String (max:30) (name) | Milimetros |
simbolo | String (max:15) (symbol) | ML |
visivel | Boolean (if is visible) | 0 |
principal | Boolean (if is the default) | 0 |
{ "id": 35, "nome": "Milimetro", "simbolo": "ML", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
DELETE api/1.0/unidades-medida/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid Requests:
Add and manage vehicles. In order to associate vehicles with a transport for example..
GET api/1.0/viaturas
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1932, "nome": "ferrari", "matricula": "11-11-XX", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }]
POST api/1.0/viaturas
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) (name) | Ford Fiesta | |
String (max:10) (license plate) | 12-33-GT | |
principal | Boolean (is the default?) | 0 |
{ "id": 1936, "nome": "ferrari", "matricula": "11-11-XX", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
PATCH api/1.0/viaturas/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome | String (max:30) (name) | Ford Fiesta |
matricula | String (max:10) (license plate) | 12-33-GT |
principal | Boolean (is the default) | 0 |
visivel | Boolean (is visible) | 1 |
{ "id": 1936, "nome": "ferrari", "matricula": "11-11-XX", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
DELETE api/1.0/viaturas/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid Requests:
Add and manage the series.
GET api/1.0/series
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "nome": "B2016", "iva_incluido": 0, "usado": 1, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }]
POST api/1.0/series
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (Alpha Numeric | max:30 | Unique) | B2020 | |
iva_incluido | Boolean (If true prices in document will include taxes) |
0 |
principal | Boolean (if is the default) | 0 |
{ "id": 1865, "nome": "X2018", "iva_incluido": 0, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
PATCH api/1.0/series/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome | String (Alpha Númerico | max:30 | unique) | B2020 |
iva_incluido | Boolean (If true prices will show with taxes included) |
0 |
principal | Boolean (if is the default?) | 0 |
visivel | Boolean | 1 |
{ "id": 1865, "nome": "X2018", "iva_incluido": 1, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
DELETE api/1.0/series/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid Methods:
By default, your account will have all the necessary taxes for the Portuguese market. No need to add new tax rates.
GET api/1.0/impostos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "nome": "IVA 23", "valor": 23, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }, { "id": 2, "nome": "IVA 13", "valor": 13, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 3, "nome": "IVA 6", "valor": 6, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 4, "nome": "IVA 22 - Madeira", "valor": 22, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 5, "nome": "IVA 12 - Madeira", "valor": 12, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 6, "nome": "IVA 5 - Madeira", "valor": 5, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 7, "nome": "IVA 18 - Acores", "valor": 18, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 8, "nome": "IVA 9 - Acores", "valor": 9, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }, { "id": 9, "nome": "IVA 4 - Acores", "valor": 4, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }]
POST api/1.0/impostos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) (name) | IVA Novo | |
Integer (min:0 | max:100) % value | 32 | |
principal | Boolean (is the default?) | 0 |
{ "id": 1784, "nome": "IVA Novo", "valor": 10, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 0 }
PATCH api/1.0/impostos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome | String (max:30) Name | IVA Novo |
valor | Integer (min:0 | max:100) % value | 32 |
principal | Boolean (is the default?) | 0 |
visivel | Boolean (is visible?) | 1 |
{ "id": 1784, "nome": "IVA Novo", "valor": 10, "usado": 0, "visivel": 0, "principal": 0 }
DELETE api/1.0/impostos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
List of exemption reasons that can be applied to documents
GET api/1.0/motivos-isencao
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "codigo": "M01", "motivo": "Artigo 16.\u00ba n.\u00ba 6 al\u00ednea c) do CIVA (Ou similar)" }, { "id": 2, "codigo": "M02", "motivo": "Artigo 6.\u00ba do Decreto\u2010Lei n.\u00ba 198\/90, de 19 de Junho" } ]
Os métodos válidos são:
Bill has a store / warehouse feature. By default, all accounts have a store. It is possible to associate documents, customers / suppliers, items with one or more stores. This allows, for example, to add an employee only in one store and he will only be able to see the items and customers of that same store.
GET api/1.0/lojas
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
[{ "id": 1, "nome": "Loja Principal", "principal": 1, "usado": 1, "visivel": 1, "activo": 1, "stock_negativo": 1, "morada": "", "codigo_postal": "", "cidade": "", "serie_id": null }, { "id": 2572, "nome": "armazem 1", "principal": 0, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "activo": 1, "stock_negativo": 1, "morada": "", "codigo_postal ": "", "cidade ":"", "serie_id":null }]
POST api/1.0/lojas
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) name | IVA Novo | |
stock_negativo | Boolean ( Allow negative stock ? ) | 1 |
morada | String ( 100 ) Address | Rua da saudade |
codigo_postal | String ( 15 ) Postal Code | 2000-000 |
cidade | String ( 50 ) City | Porto |
serie_id | Integer (Associate a Serie with a shop) | 0 |
{ "id": 2573, "nome": "armazem 1", "principal": 0, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "activo": 1, "stock_negativo": 1, "morada": "", "codigo_postal": "", "cidade": "", "serie_id": null }
PATCH api/1.0/lojas/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome | String (max:30) (name) | IVA Novo |
stock_negativo | Boolean ( Can work with negative stock? ) | 1 |
morada | String ( 100 ) (address) | Rua da saudade |
codigo_postal | String ( 15 ) (postal code) | 2000-000 |
cidade | String ( 50 ) (city) | Porto |
serie_id | Integer (Associate a serie with a shop) | 0 |
{ "id": 2603, "nome": "armazem 2", "principal": 0, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "activo": 1, "stock_negativo": 1, "morada": "Rua de Algo", "codigo_postal": "2012-323", "cidade": "lisboa", "serie_id": 1 }
DELETE api/1.0/lojas/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid requests:
In the Bill customers and suppliers are called contacts.
GET api/1.0/contatos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
page | Integer (Page number...) | 2 |
pesquisa[field] | Make an exact search exacta for some value. Valid Fields: email, morada, codigo_postal, cidade, pais, site, telefone_contacto, observacoes, prazo_vencimento, retencao, activar_alerta, visivel | johndoe@example.com |
pesquisa[texto][field] | Do a search like %valor%. Valid Fields: nome, codigo, nif, pessoa_contacto | 500000000 |
{ "total": 2, "per_page": 20, "current_page": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": null, "prev_page_url": null, "from": 1, "to": 2, "data": [{ "id": 1, "metodo_expedicao_id": null, "metodo_pagamento_id": null, "codigo": 282, "nome": "Cliente 1", "email": "email@exemplo1", "morada": "Morada 1", "codigo_postal": "2700-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "nif": 9999999990, "site": "", "pessoa_contacto": "Antonio", "telefone_contacto": "21 234 23 23", "observacoes": "", "prazo_vencimento": 30, "retencao": 0, "usado": 0, "activar_alerta": 0, "visivel": 1, "alerta_dias_antes": 5, "alerta_dias_depois": 5, "desconto_padrao": 6, "lingua_padrao_documentos": "pt" }, { "id": 2, "metodo_expedicao_id": null, "metodo_pagamento_id": null, "codigo": 4554, "nome": "Cliente 2", "email": "email@exemplo1", "morada": "Morada da Saudade", "codigo_postal": "2232-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "nif": 9999999990, "site": "", "pessoa_contacto": "Joaquim", "telefone_contacto": "21 222 23 23", "observacoes": "", "prazo_vencimento": 60, "retencao": 0, "usado": 0, "activar_alerta": 0, "visivel": 1, "alerta_dias_antes": 5, "alerta_dias_depois": 5, "desconto_padrao": 6, "lingua_padrao_documentos": "pt" }] }
GET api/1.0/contatos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
{ "id": 1, "metodo_expedicao_id": null, "metodo_pagamento_id": null, "codigo": 282, "nome": "Cliente 1", "email": "email@exemplo1", "morada": "Morada 1", "codigo_postal": "2700-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "nif": 9999999990, "site": "", "pessoa_contacto": "Antonio", "telefone_contacto": "21 234 23 23", "observacoes": "", "prazo_vencimento": 30, "retencao": 0, "usado": 0, "activar_alerta": 0, "visivel": 1, "alerta_dias_antes": 5, "alerta_dias_depois": 5, "desconto_padrao": 6, "lingua_padrao_documentos": "pt", "originario": [], "tipo": [{ "id": 1, "nome": "Fornecedor", "visivel": 1, "pivot": { "contato_id": 1, "tipo_id": 1 } }] }
POST api/1.0/contatos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:30) name (if you don't know you can call it (Consumidor Final) | Julio Sousa | |
Contry using format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (max:2) |
PT | |
código | String (max:30 | Unique code) | 28172272 |
nif | String ( max:15 ) VAT Number | 1 |
email ( max:150 ) | johndoe@example.com | |
morada | String ( 100 ) Address | Rua da saudade |
codigo_postal | String ( 15 ) Postal Code | 2000-000 |
cidade | String ( 50 ) City | Porto |
site | String (255) | http://www.example.com |
pessoa_contato | String (50) Contact Name | Rua da saudade |
telefone_contato | String (30) Phone | +351 21 282 23 23 |
observacoes | String (250) Observation | +351 21 282 23 23 |
prazo_vencimento | Integer (Maturity date of the documents in days) | 90 |
retencao | Boolean (withholding) | 1 |
activar_alerta | Boolean (Create email alerts for invoices due or past due) |
1 |
visivel | Boolean (visible) | 1 |
desconto_padrao (min:0, max:100) Default Discount | Integer | 5 |
alerta_dias_antes | Integer (min:0, max:365) How many days before the invoice expires does it issue the notice | 20 |
alerta_dias_depois | Integer (min:0, max:365) How many days after the invoice expires, | 14 |
metodo_pagamento_id | Integer (Allows you to add the default payment method) | 17 |
metodo_expedicao_id | Integer (allows adding default shipping method) | 28 |
lingua_padrao_documentos | String (2) Can be: pt, fr, ou en (document language) | pt |
lojas | Array (array with warehourses ids to which it belongs) | ['2','12'] |
tipos | Array (array with ids of the types it belongs to) | ['12','32'] |
{ "id": 1, "metodo_expedicao_id": null, "metodo_pagamento_id": null, "codigo": 282, "nome": "Cliente 1", "email": "email@exemplo1", "morada": "Morada 1", "codigo_postal": "2700-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "nif": 9999999990, "site": "", "pessoa_contacto": "Antonio", "telefone_contacto": "21 234 23 23", "observacoes": "", "prazo_vencimento": 30, "retencao": 0, "usado": 0, "activar_alerta": 0, "visivel": 1, "alerta_dias_antes": 5, "alerta_dias_depois": 5, "desconto_padrao": 6, "lingua_padrao_documentos": "pt", "originario": [], "tipo": [{ "id": 1, "nome": "Fornecedor", "visivel": 1, "pivot": { "contato_id": 1, "tipo_id": 1 } }] }
PATCH api/1.0/contatos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
nome< | String (max:30) name (if you don't know you can call it (Consumidor Final) | Julio Sousa |
pais | Contry using format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (max:2) |
PT |
código | String (max:30 | Unique code) | 28172272 |
nif | String ( max:15 ) VAT Number | 1 |
email ( max:150 ) | johndoe@example.com | |
morada | String ( 100 ) Address | Rua da saudade |
codigo_postal | String ( 15 ) Postal Code | 2000-000 |
cidade | String ( 50 ) City | Porto |
site | String (255) | http://www.example.com |
pessoa_contato | String (50) Contact Name | Rua da saudade |
telefone_contato | String (30) Phone | +351 21 282 23 23 |
observacoes | String (250) Observation | +351 21 282 23 23 |
prazo_vencimento | Integer (Maturity date of the documents in days) | 90 |
retencao | Boolean (withholding) | 1 |
activar_alerta | Boolean (Create email alerts for invoices due or past due) |
1 |
visivel | Boolean (visible) | 1 |
desconto_padrao (min:0, max:100) Default Discount | Integer | 5 |
alerta_dias_antes | Integer (min:0, max:365) How many days before the invoice expires does it issue the notice | 20 |
alerta_dias_depois | Integer (min:0, max:365) How many days after the invoice expires, | 14 |
metodo_pagamento_id | Integer (Allows you to add the default payment method) | 17 |
metodo_expedicao_id | Integer (allows adding default shipping method) | 28 |
lingua_padrao_documentos | String (2) Can be: pt, fr, ou en (document language) | pt |
lojas | Array (array with warehourses ids to which it belongs) | ['2','12'] |
tipos | Array (array with ids of the types it belongs to) | ['12','32'] |
{ "id": 1, "metodo_expedicao_id": null, "metodo_pagamento_id": null, "codigo": 282, "nome": "Cliente 1", "email": "email@exemplo1", "morada": "Morada 1", "codigo_postal": "2700-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "nif": 9999999990, "site": "", "pessoa_contacto": "Antonio", "telefone_contacto": "21 234 23 23", "observacoes": "", "prazo_vencimento": 30, "retencao": 0, "usado": 0, "activar_alerta": 0, "visivel": 1, "alerta_dias_antes": 5, "alerta_dias_depois": 5, "desconto_padrao": 6, "lingua_padrao_documentos": "pt", "originario": [], "tipo": [{ "id": 1, "nome": "Fornecedor", "visivel": 1, "pivot": { "contato_id": 1, "tipo_id": 1 } }] }
DELETE api/1.0/contatos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid requests are:
Manage Your Products.
GET api/1.0/items
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
page | Integer (Pode enviar o número da página) | 2 |
pesquisa[field] | Search exacta by exact match of a field. Valid Fields: unidade_medida_id, ProductCategory, visivel, movimenta_stock, imposto_id, preco_custo, servico | 1 |
pesquisa[texto][field] | Search like %valor%. Valid Fiedls: codigo, codigo_barras, descricao | Cadeira |
{ "total": 3, "per_page": 20, "current_page": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": null, "prev_page_url": null, "from": 1, "to": 3, "data": [{ "id": 1, "codigo": 123, "codigo_barras": 123, "descricao": "Produto 1", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 3, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 1, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": null, "precos": [] }, { "id": 2, "codigo": 1234, "codigo_barras": 1234, "descricao": "Servico 1", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 3, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 1, "movimenta_stock": 1, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": null, "precos": [] }, { "id": 1488, "codigo": 8821456469, "codigo_barras": "", "descricao": "Produto Novo", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 0, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 0, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": 1, "precos": [] }] }
GET api/1.0/items/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
{ "id": 1, "codigo": 123, "codigo_barras": 123, "descricao": "Produto 1", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 3, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 1, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": null, "categorias": [], "unidade_medida": { "id": 1, "nome": "Unidade", "simbolo": "UN", "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }, "imposto": { "id": 1, "nome": "IVA 23", "valor": 23, "usado": 0, "visivel": 1, "principal": 1 }, "originario": [], "precos": [] }
POST api/1.0/items
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (max:200) Name | Cadeira de Pinho | |
String (max:30) Unique Code (SKU) | 2828211811-A | |
Integer (ID of unit of measure) | 12 | |
Integer (tax id) | 1 | |
Integer (Tax id when you buy) | 1 | |
codigo_barras | String (max:100) (barcode) | 111291j181j1222sj22 |
ProductCategory | String (1) Can Be:M,P,A,S,T | 1 |
observacoes | Text (observation) | Verificar se .... |
visivel | Boolean (visible?) | 1 |
movimenta_stock | Boolean (move stock?) | 1 |
servico | Boolean (Is a service?) | 0 |
preco_custo | Numeric (cost price) | 12.30 |
lojas | Array (array com ids das lojas a que pertence) | ['2','12'] |
categorias | Array (array with store ids to which it belongs) | ['12','32'] |
precos | array (A set of prices, each price has 3 parameters) | precos[0][preco_nome]=Preço 1 (price name) precos[0][preco_sem_iva]=12.20 (price without tax) precos[0][preco_com_iva]=15.20 (price with tax) |
{ "id": 1489, "codigo": 7567740125, "codigo_barras": "", "descricao": "Produto Novo", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 0, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 0, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": 1, "categorias": [], "originario": [], "precos": [] }
PATCH api/1.0/items/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 | |
descricao | String (max:200) (name) | Cadeira de Pinho |
codigo | String (max:30) (unique code SKU) | 2828211811-A |
unidade_medida_id | Integer (Id unit of measure) | 12 |
imposto_id | Integer (id Tax) | 1 |
iva_compra | Integer (id Tax when you buy) | 1 |
codigo_barras | String (max:100) (barcode) | 111291j181j1222sj22 |
ProductCategory | String (1) Can be:M,P,A,S,T | 1 |
observacoes | Text (observation) | Verificar se .... |
visivel | Boolean(is visible) | 1 |
movimenta_stock | Boolean (move stock) | 1 |
servico | Boolean (Is a service?) | 0 |
preco_custo | Numeric (cost price) | 12.30 |
lojas | Array (array com ids das lojas a que pertence) | ['2','12'] |
categorias | Array (array with store ids to which it belongs) | ['12','32'] |
precos | array (A set of prices, each price has 3 Parameters) | precos[0][preco_nome]=Preço 1 (name) precos[0][preco_sem_iva]=12.20 (price without taxes) precos[0][preco_com_iva]=15.20 (price with taxes) |
{ "id": 1489, "codigo": 7567740125, "codigo_barras": "", "descricao": "Produto Novo", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 0, "visivel": 1, "usado": 0, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 0, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": 1, "categorias": [], "originario": [], "precos": [] }
DELETE api/1.0/items/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
#Response status 204
Valid Requests:
GET api/1.0/documentos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
page | Integer (Page Number) | 2 |
pesquisa[field] | Do a search using the exact value you provide. Valid Fields: tipo_documento_id, contato_id, terminado, metodo_pagamento_id, serie_id, loja_id, modulo_estado_id, estado | johndoe@example.com |
pesquisa[texto][field] | Do a text search like %valor%. Valid Fiedls: viatura, invoice_number | 500000000 |
pesquisa[order_by][field] | You can order By the following Fields: invoice_number, contatos.nome, invoice_date, prazo_vencimento, gross_total, codigo_at, system_entry_date | pesquisa[order_by][system_entry_date]=desc |
{ "total": 1, "per_page": 20, "current_page": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": null, "prev_page_url": null, "from": 1, "to": 1, "data": [{ "id": 3363, "modulo_estado_id": null, "loja_id": 1, "contato_id": 1, "invoice_number": "FT B2016\/1", "codigo_at": "", "invoice_date": "2017-08-12", "gross_total": "2.74", "prazo_vencimento": "2017-08-12", "terminado": 1, "estado": "N", "impresso": 0, "token_download": "37fea02190633e0a241cd0f5a0b24fa292fa2f3d" }] }
GET api/1.0/documentos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer (deve ir no url) | 12 |
{"id":3403,"estado":"N","tipo_documento_id":1,"user_id":1,"contato_id":1,"serie_id":1,"metodo_expedicao_id":1,"metodo_pagamento_id":1,"loja_id":1,"prazo_vencimento":"2017-08-15","viatura":"","observacoes":"","motivo":"","moeda":"","cambio":"0.0000","invoice_number":"FT B2016\/1","invoice_date":"2017-08-15","system_entry_date":"2017-08-15T09:45:04","status_date":"2017-08-15T09:45:04","impresso":0,"data_carga":null,"carga_morada":"","carga_cidade":"","carga_codigo_postal":"","carga_pais":"","data_descarga":null,"descarga_morada":"","descarga_cidade":"","descarga_codigo_postal":"","descarga_pais":"","arredondamento":"0.0000","net_total":"2.23","tax_total":"0.51","gross_total":"2.74","desconto_total":"0.00","retencao_total":"0.00","comunicado":0,"codigo_at":"","terminado":1,"modulo_estado_id":null,"nota_documento":"","lingua":"pt","token_download":"a93fd328e7b06afa36e280d5a35dc5d50b8ffd72","loja":{"id":1,"nome":"Loja Principal","principal":1,"usado":1,"visivel":1,"activo":1,"stock_negativo":1,"morada":"","codigo_postal":"","cidade":"","serie_id":null},"contato":{"id":1,"contato_id":1,"nif":"9999999990","codigo":"282","nome":"Cliente 1","morada":"Morada 1","codigo_postal":"2700-323","cidade":"Lisboa","pais":"PT","retencao":0,"origem":{"id":1,"metodo_expedicao_id":null,"metodo_pagamento_id":null,"codigo":"282","nome":"Cliente 1","email":"email@exemplo1","morada":"Morada 1","codigo_postal":"2700-323","cidade":"Lisboa","pais":"PT","nif":"9999999990","site":"","pessoa_contacto":"Antonio","telefone_contacto":"21 234 23 23","observacoes":"","prazo_vencimento":30,"retencao":0,"usado":1,"activar_alerta":0,"visivel":1,"alerta_dias_antes":5,"alerta_dias_depois":5,"desconto_padrao":6,"lingua_padrao_documentos":"pt"}},"modulo_estado":null,"lancamentos":[{"id":3234,"documento_id":3403,"user_id":1,"item_id":1,"imposto_id":1,"motivo_isencao_id":null,"lancamento_pai_id":null,"loja_id":1,"nome":"Coca cola","referencia_manual":null,"quantidade":"1.0000000000","preco_unitario":"2.2300000000","desconto_1":"0.00000","desconto_2":"0.00000","desconto_3":"0.00000","net_total":"2.23","tax_total":"0.51","gross_total":"2.74","desconto_total":"0.00","retencao_total":"0.00","origem":null,"item":{"id":1,"codigo":"123","codigo_barras":"123","descricao":"Produto 1","imposto_id":1,"unidade_medida_id":1,"ProductCategory":"M","preco_custo":3,"visivel":1,"usado":1,"servico":0,"movimenta_stock":1,"observacoes":"","iva_compra":null,"unidade_medida":{"id":1,"nome":"Unidade","simbolo":"UN","usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1}}}],"divida":{"id":2319,"documento_id":3403,"total_divida":"2.74","data_finalizado":null},"pagou":[{"id":2319,"documento_id":3403,"documento_relacionado_id":null,"total":"2.74","documento_relacionado":null}]}
note: O The PDF download path is external to our API. There is no need to send any token.
Note 2: At the insistence of the tax authority, the document will only be original in the first download. The second and subsequent downloads will have "duplicate" information. Therefore, to verify that the document is correct, it is advisable to use the option to open the document by its ID and not the option to download the document.
POST api/1.0/documentos
ParametersField | Type | Example | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Integer - If you are editing a draft, you must send the document ID. Note that when a draft is edited, its ID changes, creating a new ID for this same document. | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Integer - Send the id of the Type of document | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
String (4) If you don't send the ID of the type of document you can use tipificação example FT for invoice): FT, FR .... |
FT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Integer - Not Mandatory. You can send a contact array and the contact will be created. If you send a code of the contact or a nif (vat number) that already exists in your account, that contact will be automatically selected. If you do not send either and only send the empty array, the document will be associated with the default Consumidor Final (the default anonymous customer). | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
array (option if you send contato_id you don't need. Otherwise you can use it to create he client while you create the document.) | Array | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Array (there may be several Arrays inside) Each one being a line of the document. | Array | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
loja_id | Integer - If not sent, the store associated with the user will be used. If none exists, the default shop will be used. | 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
serie_id | Integer - If not sent, the default series of the chosen shop will be used. | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metodo_pagamento_id | Integer - Se não enviado será usado o Método de pagamento associado ao cliente por defeito. Se não existir será utilizado o método de pagamento por defeito da empresa. | 32 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metodo_expedicao_id | Integer -If not sent, the payment method associated with the default contact (client) will be used. If it does not exist, the company's default payment method will be used. | 23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
data | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal at the time will be used. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
prazo_vencimento | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time will be used, adding up the associated expiration days or client (contact). | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morada | String Max:100 Optional:if you want to bill with different data than the customer's headquarters. | Rua de Algo n15 3b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
codigo_postal | String Max:15 Optional: if you want to bill with different data than the customer's headquarters. | 2999-000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cidade | String Max:50 Optional: if you want to bill with different data than the customer's headquarters. | Aveiro | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pais | String Max:2 Optional: if you want to bill with different data than the customer's headquarters. | PT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
carga_morada | String Max:100 Optional: Only mandatory in transport documents | Rua de Algo n15 3b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
carga_codigo_postal | String Max:15 Optional: Only mandatory in transport documents | 2999-000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
carga_cidade | String Max:50 Opcional: Only mandatory in transport documents | Aveiro | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
carga_pais | String Max:2 Opcional: Only mandatory in transport documents | PT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
data_carga | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s (when creating transport documents the date of loading and unloading are mandatory) | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
descarga_morada | String Max:100 Optional: Apenas obrigatorio em documentos de transporte | Rua de Algo n15 3b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
descarga_codigo_postal | String Max:15 Optional: Apenas obrigatorio em documentos de transporte | 2999-000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
descarga_cidade | String Max:50 Optional: Apenas obrigatorio em documentos de transporte | Aveiro | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
descarga_pais | String Max:2 Optional: Apenas obrigatorio em documentos de transporte | PT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
data_descarga | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s (when creating transport documents the date of loading and unloading are mandatory) | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
viatura | String max:20 - (Transport documents must have the vehicle registration number to be valid) | XX-28-12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
moeda | String (max:3) Formato:ISO 4217 http://www.xe.com/iso4217.php. All documents are created in EURO, however you can refer to the foreign currency value at the end of the document. | USD | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Float - Exchange value against the EURO. Only mandatory if the document refers to foreign currency. | 1.21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
observacoes | String (max:200) - Appears at the end of the document. | O cliente deseja que seja entregue a fatura no piso 1. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nota_documento | String (Text) - internal note not visible in the document. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis illo aspernatur, iure, veritatis minus molestiae! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
modulo_estado_id | Integer - (state id) You can assign a status to this document. | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lingua | String (max:2) - The bill allows invoices to be issued in 3 languages. Portuguese, French and English. One of the following values is then accepted: pt, fr, en | fr | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
arredondamento | Float: min:-0.03|max:0.03 - By law it is possible to apply a manual rounding to the total of a document. This positive or negative rounding is a maximum value of 3 cents. | -0.01 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
terminado | boolean - If you want to finish the document, send true or 1. Otherwise, the document will be saved as a draft./td> | 1 |
{ "id": 3397, "estado": "N", "tipo_documento_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "contato_id": 1, "serie_id": 1, "metodo_expedicao_id": 1, "metodo_pagamento_id": 1, "loja_id": 1, "prazo_vencimento": "2017-08-15", "viatura": "", "observacoes": "", "motivo": "", "moeda": "", "cambio": "0.0000", "invoice_number": "FT B2016\/1", "invoice_date": "2017-08-15", "system_entry_date": "2017-08-15T09:02:59", "status_date": "2017-08-15T09:02:59", "impresso": 0, "data_carga": null, "carga_morada": "", "carga_cidade": "", "carga_codigo_postal": "", "carga_pais": "", "data_descarga": null, "descarga_morada": "", "descarga_cidade": "", "descarga_codigo_postal": "", "descarga_pais": "", "arredondamento": "0.0000", "net_total": "2.23", "tax_total": "0.51", "gross_total": "2.74", "desconto_total": "0.00", "retencao_total": "0.00", "comunicado": 0, "codigo_at": "", "terminado": 1, "modulo_estado_id": null, "nota_documento": "", "lingua": "pt", "token_download": "27f4bb6a55d4f539b40ef455ed7d651b9d4579cb", "contato": { "id": 1, "contato_id": 1, "nif": "9999999990", "codigo": "282", "nome": "Cliente 1", "morada": "Morada 1", "codigo_postal": "2700-323", "cidade": "Lisboa", "pais": "PT", "retencao": 0 }, "lancamentos": [{ "id": 3228, "documento_id": 3397, "user_id": 1, "item_id": 1, "imposto_id": 1, "motivo_isencao_id": null, "lancamento_pai_id": null, "loja_id": 1, "nome": "Coca cola", "referencia_manual": null, "quantidade": "1.0000000000", "preco_unitario": "2.2300000000", "desconto_1": "0.00000", "desconto_2": "0.00000", "desconto_3": "0.00000", "net_total": "2.23", "tax_total": "0.51", "gross_total": "2.74", "desconto_total": "0.00", "retencao_total": "0.00", "item": { "id": 1, "codigo": "123", "codigo_barras": "123", "descricao": "Produto 1", "imposto_id": 1, "unidade_medida_id": 1, "ProductCategory": "M", "preco_custo": 3, "visivel": 1, "usado": 1, "servico": 0, "movimenta_stock": 1, "observacoes": "", "iva_compra": null } }] }
PATCH api/1.0/documentos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - Document ID | 12 | |
String (max:200) by law you are required to specify the reason why you will cancel the document | Um erro no preço do produto. | |
data | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal at the time will be used. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
It is only possible in drafts.
DELETE api/1.0/documentos/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer | 12 |
#Response status 204
It allows to register a debt to supplier or a debt that the customer owes us. This document cannot be printed, used only to control debts prior to the system.
POST api/1.0/documentos/saldo-inicial
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - contact id | 12 | |
serie_id | Integer - If not sent, the default series of the chosen store will be used. | 12 |
observacoes | String (max:200) observations | Divida referente ao periodo de X a Y. |
data | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s and not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal at the time will be used. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
prazo_vencimento | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s and not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal at the time will be used. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
prazo_vencimento | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s and not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal at the time will be used. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
tipo_documento_id | Integer - Only values are accepted: 26 or 27 And they are: 26 - Customer Balance 27 - Supplier Balance, respectively. | 26 |
metodo_pagamento_id | Integer - If not sent, the payment method associated with the default customer will be used. | 32 |
Float - Open Balance Without TAXES | 12.28 | |
Float - Open Balance With Taxes | 17.28 |
{"observacoes":"Divida referente ao periodo a anterior a ...","invoice_date":"2017-08-15","prazo_vencimento":"2017-08-15 10:14:25","system_entry_date":"2017-08-15T10:14:25","status_date":"2017-08-15T10:14:25","cambio":1,"moeda":"EUR_\u20ac","serie_id":1,"terminado":true,"serie_counter":1,"contato_id":1,"metodo_pagamento_id":1,"contato_header_id":1,"empresa_header_id":1,"tipo_documento_id":26,"gross_total":45,"net_total":30,"user_id":1,"id":3420,"invoice_number":"SINIV B2016\/1","serie":{"id":1,"nome":"B2016","iva_incluido":0,"usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1},"tipo_documento":{"id":26,"tipificacao":"SINIV","nome":"Saldo Cliente","categoria":"faturas","movimento":"saida","movimento_contabilistico":"credito","certificado":0,"movimenta_stock":0,"gera_pendentes":0,"regulariza_pendentes":0,"gera_divida":1,"auto_liquidacao":0,"menu_destacado":1}}
For the guide to be communicated, you must have the tax authority's user data correctly configured in the company's settings. The tax authority webservices are not functional 100% of the time. In some cases you may have to try communication again. If it is not possible, you can communicate using the Tax Authority website and place the code assigned to the guide manually.
POST api/1.0/documentos/comunicar/guia/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - ID of the document | 12 |
The tax authority's web services are not functional 100% of the time. If it is not possible to do so, you can communicate using the AT website and place the code assigned to the guide manually.
POST api/1.0/documentos/adicionar/codigo-at
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - Document ID | 12 | |
The code | 28283723 |
{"id":3442,"invoice_number":"FT B2016\/1","codigo_at":"2181821"}
POST api/1.0/documentos/enviar-por-email
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - Document ID | 12 | |
johndoe@example.com |
["Enviado com sucesso"]
POST api/1.0/documentos/nota-documento
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - Document ID | 12 | |
nota_documento (information) | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. In accusantium quo aliquam. At, cum maxime deserunt. Veniam unde quod consequuntur nulla quia, hic animi sunt ullam perferendis doloremque nihil repudiandae. |
{"id":3478,"nota_documento":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum similique in temporibus quasi doloremque ratione, incidunt esse praesentium sit nobis explicabo enim doloribus fugit quae, dolor cupiditate. Eligendi corporis et, voluptatibus consectetur debitis saepe ratione optio quasi est odit tempora accusantium, modi laborum accusamus, fuga, animi! Beatae saepe eveniet dolore."}
Valid Requests:
GET api/1.0/stock
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
data_stock | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal will be used at the time. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
lojas | Array with IDs if you want to filter by stores. | [1,32] |
itens | Array with ID's if you want to filter by products | [42,21] |
{"total":1,"per_page":50,"current_page":1,"last_page":1,"next_page_url":null,"prev_page_url":null,"from":1,"to":1,"data":[{"id":3194,"loja_id":1,"item_id":1,"lancamento_id":3326,"quantidade_saida":1,"quantidade_entrada":0,"stock":-1,"data_movimento":"2017-08-16 03:24:47","microtime":1502853887.8103,"item":{"id":1,"codigo":123,"codigo_barras":123,"descricao":"Produto 1","imposto_id":1,"unidade_medida_id":1,"ProductCategory":"M","preco_custo":3,"visivel":1,"usado":1,"servico":0,"movimenta_stock":1,"observacoes":"","iva_compra":null}}]}
This request is ideal to quickly access the stock available for a specific product in a specific store. But it is possible to get the same information with the previous request.
GET api/1.0/stock/singular
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
data_stock | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal will be used at the moment. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
Integer Product ID | 222 | |
Integer Warehouse ID | 86 |
{"id":3206,"empresa_id":1,"loja_id":1,"item_id":1,"lancamento_id":3339,"quantidade_saida":"1.000000","quantidade_entrada":"0.000000","stock":"-1.000000","data_movimento":"2017-08-16 03:31:00","microtime":"1502854260.324000","created_at":"2017-08-16 03:31:00","updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:31:00"}
GET api/1.0/stock/movimentos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
data_stock | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal will be used at the moment. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 |
lojas | Array with IDs if you want to filter by warehouses | [1,32] |
itens | Array with ID's if you want to filter by products | [42,21] |
{"total":1,"per_page":50,"current_page":1,"last_page":1,"next_page_url":null,"prev_page_url":null,"from":1,"to":1,"data":[{"id":3232,"empresa_id":1,"loja_id":1,"item_id":1,"lancamento_id":3366,"quantidade_saida":"1.000000","quantidade_entrada":"0.000000","stock":"-1.000000","data_movimento":"2017-08-16 03:44:08","microtime":"1502855048.291900","created_at":"2017-08-16 03:44:08","updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:44:08"}]}
Valid Requests
With this request you will be able to see documents that are pending movements for a single contact (client). You can send the tipificacao (eg:FT) of the document you want to create and then see only the documents that can be converted by that tipificacao. Example: If you want to import entries for an invoice that you are going to create you can send FT. You will then see all pending movements for budgets, guides, etc. If you want to create a credit note, you can send NC and see all documents that can be converted into a credit note. Then you can use one of the following requests to view the entries for each of the documents.
GET api/1.0/movimentos-pendentes
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - To convert a document, remember that it must be from the same customer. Example a bill of lading | 13 | |
tipificacao | String (max:3) - If you want to create an Invoice, send the FT type and you will see which pending documents can be converted by invoice. | NC |
{"total":1,"per_page":20,"current_page":1,"last_page":1,"next_page_url":null,"prev_page_url":null,"from":1,"to":1,"data":[{"id":3105,"origem":3602,"origem_documento":{"id":3602,"invoice_number":"GT B2016\/1","invoice_date":"2017-08-16","gross_total":"2.74"}}]}
GET api/1.0/movimentos-pendentes/multiplos
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Array with IDs of the documents you want to see pending entries | [1,32] |
Returns an array. Each key being the ID of one of the searched documents. For a smooth time inside this element there is once again an array with pending entries.
{"3619":[{"id":3119,"origem":3619,"quantidade":"1.00000","quantidade_movida":"0.00000","lancamento_original":{"id":3435,"documento_id":3619,"user_id":1,"empresa_id":1,"item_id":1,"imposto_id":1,"motivo_isencao_id":null,"lancamento_pai_id":null,"loja_id":1,"nome":"Coca cola","referencia_manual":null,"quantidade":"1.0000000000","preco_unitario":"2.2300000000","desconto_1":"0.00000","desconto_2":"0.00000","desconto_3":"0.00000","net_total":"2.23","tax_total":"0.51","gross_total":"2.74","desconto_total":"0.00","retencao_total":"0.00","created_at":"2017-08-16 03:55:33","updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:55:33","imposto":{"id":1,"empresa_id":1,"nome":"IVA 23","valor":23,"usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:55:33"},"motivo_isencao":null,"item":{"id":1,"codigo":"123","codigo_barras":"123","descricao":"Produto 1","empresa_id":1,"imposto_id":1,"unidade_medida_id":1,"ProductCategory":"M","preco_custo":3,"visivel":1,"usado":1,"servico":0,"movimenta_stock":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:55:33","observacoes":"","iva_compra":null,"unidade_medida":{"id":1,"empresa_id":1,"nome":"Unidade","simbolo":"UN","usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 03:55:33"}}}}]}
GET api/1.0/movimentos-pendentes/ID
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
Integer - Document ID | 53 |
Returns an array of peding movements for the respective document.
[{"id":3134,"origem":3637,"quantidade":"1.00000","quantidade_movida":"0.00000","lancamento_original":{"id":3452,"documento_id":3637,"user_id":1,"empresa_id":1,"item_id":1,"imposto_id":1,"motivo_isencao_id":null,"lancamento_pai_id":null,"loja_id":1,"nome":"Coca cola","referencia_manual":null,"quantidade":"1.0000000000","preco_unitario":"2.2300000000","desconto_1":"0.00000","desconto_2":"0.00000","desconto_3":"0.00000","net_total":"2.23","tax_total":"0.51","gross_total":"2.74","desconto_total":"0.00","retencao_total":"0.00","created_at":"2017-08-16 04:35:28","updated_at":"2017-08-16 04:35:28","imposto":{"id":1,"empresa_id":1,"nome":"IVA 23","valor":23,"usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 04:35:28"},"motivo_isencao":null,"item":{"id":1,"codigo":"123","codigo_barras":"123","descricao":"Produto 1","empresa_id":1,"imposto_id":1,"unidade_medida_id":1,"ProductCategory":"M","preco_custo":3,"visivel":1,"usado":1,"servico":0,"movimenta_stock":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 04:35:28","observacoes":"","iva_compra":null,"unidade_medida":{"id":1,"empresa_id":1,"nome":"Unidade","simbolo":"UN","usado":1,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2017-08-16 04:35:28"}}}}]
Valid Requests:
POST api/1.0/recibos
ParametersField | Type | Example | ||||||||||||
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |||||||||||||
Integer (contact id) | 12 | |||||||||||||
Integer (Can be 28 - Normal Receipt, or supplier receipt 29) | 12 | Array with info of documents to be paid | Array | |||||||||||
data | Data no Formato: Y-m-d H:i:s if not sent, the date and time of mainland Portugal will be used at the moment. | 2017-08-12 10:32:23 | ||||||||||||
serie_id | Integer - If not sent, the default series of the chosen warehouse will be used. | 12 | ||||||||||||
metodo_pagamento_id | Integer - If not sent, the payment method associated with the default client will be used. | 32 | ||||||||||||
lingua | (String max:2) (language) Can be pt,en,fr | pt | ||||||||||||
morada | (String max:100) Address | Rua da Saudade n25 | ||||||||||||
codigo_postal | (String max:15) Postal Code | 1000-000 | ||||||||||||
cidade | (String max:50) City | Porto | ||||||||||||
pais | (String max:2) Country Code | PT | ||||||||||||
observacoes | (String max:200) (observations) | Rua da Saudade n25 |
{"observacoes":"","invoice_date":"2017-09-18","system_entry_date":"2017-09-18T11:15:15","status_date":"2017-09-18T11:15:15","cambio":1,"moeda":"EUR","lingua":"pt","serie_id":448,"terminado":true,"serie_counter":1,"contato_id":52,"metodo_pagamento_id":3,"contato_header_id":58,"empresa_header_id":1,"tipo_documento_id":28,"gross_total":2.74,"user_id":1,"id":102,"invoice_number":"RC XXX\/1","net_total":2.23,"tax_total":0.51,"desconto_total":0,"retencao_total":0,"serie":{"id":448,"nome":"XXX","iva_incluido":0,"usado":0,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"cae":""}}
POST api/1.0/recibos/pagar/ID_DOCUMENTO
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
{"observacoes":"","invoice_date":"2017-09-18","system_entry_date":"2017-09-18T11:16:59","status_date":"2017-09-18T11:16:59","cambio":1,"moeda":"EUR","lingua":"pt","serie_id":448,"terminado":true,"serie_counter":1,"contato_id":88,"metodo_pagamento_id":3,"contato_header_id":98,"empresa_header_id":1,"tipo_documento_id":28,"gross_total":2.74,"user_id":1,"id":176,"invoice_number":"RC XXX\/1","net_total":2.23,"tax_total":0.51,"desconto_total":0,"retencao_total":0,"serie":{"id":448,"nome":"XXX","iva_incluido":0,"usado":0,"visivel":1,"principal":1,"cae":""}}
Valid Requests:
These requests are related to the communication of saf-t files or guides to the tax authority. They allow the configuration of the AT website data as well as the testing of them.
It allows configuring the password and user of the tax authority webservice
POST api/1.0/at/configurar
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
String (15) user | 123456789/1 | |
String (25) password | AEUEHKA828 |
{"success": true}
Allows you to test the credentials to see if it is ok.
POST api/1.0/at/teste-dados-at
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
{"success": "Login feito com sucesso"}
It allows to test the data if the defined data has already been tested or not and if they are correct. Whenever the data is updated and the login is not tested again this value will return to false.
POST api/1.0/at/estado-configuracao
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM |
{ "login_at_valido": 0 }
Each Transport Guide communication or SAF-T file is registered. You can check the log.
POST api/1.0/at/registo-comunicacoes
ParametersField | Type | Example |
String (128) | 4zA1HOjFTqXzv5kpCfEA58WG2.......dM | |
pesquisa[field] | You can do an exact search. Valid Fields: tipo, sucesso | pesquisa[tipo]=saft |
pesquisa[texto][field] | Do a text search like %valor% pValid Fiedls: info, resultado | pesquisa[texto][info]=2018/06 |
{ "total": 1, "per_page": 40, "current_page": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": null, "prev_page_url": null, "from": 1, "to": 1, "data": [ { "id": 13, "empresa_id": 1, "tipo": "saft", "info": "saft 2018/04", "resultado": "file_not_found ", "sucesso": 0, "created_at": "2018-05-05 21:37:01", "updated_at": "2018-05-05 21:37:01" } ] }